• ‘An inch from civil war’: a near miss for US capitalism

    ‘An inch from civil war’: a near miss for US capitalism

    The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has accelerated the polarisation of American society, as the Republican presidential candidate dodged death by the narrowest of margins. But it wasn’t just Trump who dodged a bullet. The entire country went right up to the edge of a precipice, before taking half a step back. As the title…

  • Cathal Crotty walks free: overthrow this sexist system!

    Cathal Crotty walks free: overthrow this sexist system!

    The despicable spectacle of Cathal Crotty, a soldier in the Irish Defence Forces, walking free after having brutally beaten Natasha O’Brien unconscious has led to an outpour of anger and protests across Ireland.

  • Launch of the Revolutionary Communist – The Communists are Here!

    Launch of the Revolutionary Communist – The Communists are Here!

    We are proud to announce the launch of the new quarterly publication of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland: The Revolutionary Communist.  Read the editorial of the first issue below, and get in touch to order your copy now! You can also pick up a yearly subscription for 10 euros, or pay a solidarity subscription of…

  • Sinn Féin bruised at local elections

    Sinn Féin bruised at local elections

    With a few votes still to count the writing is already on the wall for the local and European elections. A seething anti-establishment mood runs deep through Ireland today.  On the surface, the local election results have turned out as a repetition of the 2019 ones with only independents making any substantial gains. But beneath…

  • Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be…

  • Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    The following statement by the International Marxist Tendency declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on Gaza, following Hamas’ surprise attack on 7 October.


  • Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party

    Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party

    In the British general election, the Revolutionary Communist Party, only 8 weeks after its founding, ran the most successful revolutionary communist election campaign in decades. Fiona, candidate of the RCP, received 1,791 votes for an openly revolutionary programme. This is an excellent result, but the reason communists participate in elections is to raise their programme…

  • The Kenyan Revolution has begun

    The Kenyan Revolution has begun

    Today, the hated Finance Bill 2024, which sparked an unprecedented movement of Kenyan youth last week, was brought before parliament for its third and final reading. Before the session began, enormous throngs were descending on Nairobi Central Business District, heading for the parliament building. At 2.15pm, MPs passed the bill by 195 votes to 106.…

  • The Revolutionary Communist International has arrived!

    The Revolutionary Communist International has arrived!

    After a fantastic week of revolutionary ideas and inspirational reports from all over the world; following many months of preparation by thousands of comrades in dozens of countries; the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) concluded with a unanimous vote to launch this new International. But this is just the beginning. We are…

  • James Connolly and the struggle for Irish independence

    James Connolly and the struggle for Irish independence

    The great revolutionary James Connolly was born 156 years ago today to Irish parents in Edinburgh. Connolly grew to be the greatest Marxist ever produced by these islands; an iconic figure in the history of the Irish working class. Executed by the British army in 1916 following his leading role in the Easter Rising, Connolly’s…

  • The wrong argument for a united Ireland

    The wrong argument for a united Ireland

    A recent, much-publicised study by a Dublin-based think tank, the IIEA, has concluded that the cost of the South of Ireland absorbing the North after a future unity referendum would be enormous. If their figures are to be believed, it would cost €20 billion per year for 20 years, which would translate into a 25…

  • Revolutionary Communists of Ireland hold founding congress!

    Revolutionary Communists of Ireland hold founding congress!

    On 6 and 7 April, communists from across Ireland gathered in Dublin for the founding Congress of the Irish group of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). We were joined by international visitors from the Revolutionary Communist Party in Britain and the international centre of the IMT.

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