• Ireland after the Ceasefire

    Ireland after the Ceasefire

    30 years ago, on 31 August 1994 the Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire. 25 years of armed struggle had failed to bring the unification of Ireland any closer. The ceasefire (which despite an interruption between 1996 and 1997 would eventually…

  • Israeli Planes and the Hypocrisy of the Irish Ruling Class 

    Israeli Planes and the Hypocrisy of the Irish Ruling Class 

    “40,000 dead in Gaza is a milestone the world must be ashamed of. International diplomacy has failed to protect innocent children.” In such strong words, passionately spoke out the Taoiseach, Simon Harris, about the latest grim record set by the…

  • 2024 Perspectives for the Irish Revolution

    2024 Perspectives for the Irish Revolution

    The following document, first drafted in March 2024, was passed unanimously at the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. Here, we offer our perspective and analysis of the main trends that are shaping Irish politics and the class…

  • Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

    Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

    Capitalism is a sick system which outlived its useful purpose a long time ago. In the epoch of its senile decline it breeds war, racism, poverty, and hunger. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, is characterised by the struggle between…

  • Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT…

  • Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    The following statement by the International Marxist Tendency declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on…


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