Car industry closures reveal depth of European crisis
The European economy is facing its biggest crisis in a decade. Over the past few months, announcements of layoffs in France and Germany have come thick and fast. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are at risk as companies attempt to…
Tectonic shifts in world relations provoke volcanic explosions
The whole world situation is dominated by enormous instability in international relations. This is the result of the struggle for hegemony between the US, the world’s most powerful imperialist nation, which is in relative decline, and other weaker but nonetheless…
Financial appeal: help us hire our first full-time revolutionary!
As the crisis of capitalism deepens, the forces of communism are moving forward by leaps and bounds. Over the last two years, the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland have grown sixfold in numerical strength, as well as having launched a regular…
2024 Perspectives for the Irish Revolution
The following document, first drafted in March 2024, was passed unanimously at the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. Here, we offer our perspective and analysis of the main trends that are shaping Irish politics and the class…
Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International
The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the RCI…
Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – RCI statement
The following statement by the Revolutionary Communist International declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on…
The unravelling of Syria: a legacy of imperialist war and meddling
In yet another sudden and sharp event, highly characteristic of the period of history we are living through, a surprise offensive by Syrian Islamist militants is fast unravelling Syria. Israel’s western-backed wars against Gaza and Lebanon have upended the fragile…
‘Apathy bordering on anger’: what the elections really show
The Irish general election has returned the two main capitalist parties to the Dáil with enough seats to form the core of a new coalition. The establishment is forcing a weak smile and trying to celebrate. “The choice of the…
An angry old man, a deranged Ukrainian and World War III
Oh yes, you read the title correctly. An angry old man in Washington and a psychologically deranged president in Kyiv have been busy jointly plotting a plan that may potentially push the world into an abyss.
Dublin Communists Organise School on Revolutionary Philosophy
The 12th of October was marked by the Communist Day School on revolutionary philosophy organised by the Dublin group of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. A consistent revolutionary philosophy stands at the core of a Marxist arsenal, and comrades spent…
Kick Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael out! Fight for Communism!
After months of kicking the can down the road, Simon Harris has finally set the date for the general election for November 29. Sinn Féin – only one year ago the undisputed masters of Irish politics – have been in…
“The greatest event in human history”: Lenin and the Russian Revolution
One-hundred-and-seven years ago, on 7 November 1917, the Russian working class conquered power. This was the greatest event in human history. For the first time ever, workers and peasants overthrew the dictatorship of the rich, took control of society themselves, through…
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