Category: Economy

  • Housing crisis intensifies internationally: expropriate the speculators!

    Housing crisis intensifies internationally: expropriate the speculators!

    The crisis of capitalism has many expressions: new wars and inter-imperialist conflicts, environmental destruction, the growing chasm between rich and poor, the decline of science and culture, etc. One especially conspicuous symptom of capitalism’s failure is its inability to provide the basic human need for adequate housing, even in the wealthiest countries.

  • The Kenyan Revolution has begun

    The Kenyan Revolution has begun

    Today, the hated Finance Bill 2024, which sparked an unprecedented movement of Kenyan youth last week, was brought before parliament for its third and final reading. Before the session began, enormous throngs were descending on Nairobi Central Business District, heading for the parliament building. At 2.15pm, MPs passed the bill by 195 votes to 106.…

  • The wrong argument for a united Ireland

    The wrong argument for a united Ireland

    A recent, much-publicised study by a Dublin-based think tank, the IIEA, has concluded that the cost of the South of Ireland absorbing the North after a future unity referendum would be enormous. If their figures are to be believed, it would cost €20 billion per year for 20 years, which would translate into a 25…