Category: International
Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International
The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the RCI and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be…
The Ukrainian war: an internationalist class position – IMT Statement
The first casualty of war is truth. This is also the case of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Marxists need to be able to cut through the fog of lies and war propaganda and analyse the real reasons behind the conflict; what has caused it; and the real interests that lie behind the excuses…
Britain and the EU: inching ever closer to a trade war
The Tory government is on a collision course with the European Union over the question of trade and the North of Ireland. The capitalists on both sides are losing control of the situation. An explosive cocktail is being prepared.
Ireland under Brexit: crushed between the millstones of imperialism
Brexit is only a month old. But already, Ireland has been caught in the crossfire as the UK and EU clash. The menace of Protestant sectarianism is rising once again. Only united class struggle can offer a way forward.