Category: Ireland
Ireland after the Ceasefire
30 years ago, on 31 August 1994 the Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire. 25 years of armed struggle had failed to bring the unification of Ireland any closer. The ceasefire (which despite an interruption between 1996 and 1997 would eventually lead to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998) was an admission on…
Israeli Planes and the Hypocrisy of the Irish Ruling Class
“40,000 dead in Gaza is a milestone the world must be ashamed of. International diplomacy has failed to protect innocent children.” In such strong words, passionately spoke out the Taoiseach, Simon Harris, about the latest grim record set by the war on Gaza last week.
2024 Perspectives for the Irish Revolution
The following document, first drafted in March 2024, was passed unanimously at the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. Here, we offer our perspective and analysis of the main trends that are shaping Irish politics and the class struggle. Although the crisis of capitalism has given an accelerated tempo to the pace of…
Protests in Coolock: capitalism is the problem!
On Monday 15 July, Coolock was woken up by protests and even elements of rioting breaking around the old Crown Paint factory, a building earmarked by the government for IPA accommodation. Of course, far-right agitators of all stripes didn’t miss such a juicy opportunity. They travelled from all around the country to go and ‘give…
Sinn Féin bruised at local elections
With a few votes still to count the writing is already on the wall for the local and European elections. A seething anti-establishment mood runs deep through Ireland today. On the surface, the local election results have turned out as a repetition of the 2019 ones with only independents making any substantial gains. But beneath…
James Connolly and the struggle for Irish independence
The great revolutionary James Connolly was born 156 years ago today to Irish parents in Edinburgh. Connolly grew to be the greatest Marxist ever produced by these islands; an iconic figure in the history of the Irish working class. Executed by the British army in 1916 following his leading role in the Easter Rising, Connolly’s…
The wrong argument for a united Ireland
A recent, much-publicised study by a Dublin-based think tank, the IIEA, has concluded that the cost of the South of Ireland absorbing the North after a future unity referendum would be enormous. If their figures are to be believed, it would cost €20 billion per year for 20 years, which would translate into a 25…
Revolutionary Communists of Ireland hold founding congress!
On 6 and 7 April, communists from across Ireland gathered in Dublin for the founding Congress of the Irish group of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). We were joined by international visitors from the Revolutionary Communist Party in Britain and the international centre of the IMT.
Varadkar flees before the storm breaks
The face of the capitalist political establishment in Ireland for the past seven years, Leo Varadkar, has resigned as leader of Fine Gael and from the Taoiseach position. Varadkar has been, without doubt, one of the most reliable servants of the Irish ruling class in the last decade.
Dublin Lockout
The 26th of August 2023 marked the 110-year anniversary of the beginning of the Dublin Lockout. 20,000 members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) battled with the forces of British and Irish capitalism. The workers were conscious that this was a life-or-death struggle for the very existence of their organisations. They made…