Category: News & Analysis

  • Varadkar flees before the storm breaks

    Varadkar flees before the storm breaks

    The face of the capitalist political establishment in Ireland for the past seven years, Leo Varadkar, has resigned as leader of Fine Gael and from the Taoiseach position. Varadkar has been, without doubt, one of the most reliable servants of the Irish ruling class in the last decade.

  • Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

    The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be…

  • Dublin Lockout

    Dublin Lockout

    The 26th of August 2023 marked the 110-year anniversary of the beginning of the Dublin Lockout. 20,000 members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) battled with the forces of British and Irish capitalism. The workers were conscious that this was a life-or-death struggle for the very existence of their organisations. They made…

  • UCD: ‘Academic Freedom’ or hypocrisy?

    UCD: ‘Academic Freedom’ or hypocrisy?

    Since the beginning of the latest terror campaign against the people of Gaza, students and faculty at University College Dublin (UCD) have called on the university to take a firm stand against the criminal actions of Israel. Several demonstrations have been held on campus to demand a statement from UCD condemning the violence and the…

  • Time to evict capitalism

    Time to evict capitalism

    The Irish government’s pathetic attempts to solve the housing crisis in Ireland are continually proving to be abysmal failures for workers and young people. Far from delivering homes en masse, these ‘solutions’ are lining the pockets of landlords and developers at the brutal expense of workers and of the youth in particular. Homelessness continues to…

  • North of Ireland strike: Workers rise up against Tory ransom

    North of Ireland strike: Workers rise up against Tory ransom

    Last Thursday, on 18 January, 170,000 workers from across the public sector, represented by 16 trade unions, took to the streets of the North of Ireland en masse to voice their anger and frustration at the decaying standards of living that are being felt by workers, and even by the middle classes. This was one…

  • After Dublin riot: crush seed of far right before it takes root

    After Dublin riot: crush seed of far right before it takes root

    Shocking scenes have rocked Dublin. Far-right goons – showing their true, putrid colours – have used the stabbing of five people outside a school, including three children, to blame migrants and whip up mob violence.

  • Palestine: what can a communist do in Ireland

    Palestine: what can a communist do in Ireland

    At the time of writing, more than 10,000 people have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli forces since October 7. At least 4,000 of them were children. 600,000 have been made homeless.

  • Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

    The following statement by the International Marxist Tendency declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on Gaza, following Hamas’ surprise attack on 7 October.

  • Why I left People Before Profit and joined the Irish Marxists

    Why I left People Before Profit and joined the Irish Marxists

    A comrade from the Irish Marxists explains why he left People Before Profit (PBP), Ireland’s largest self-styled ‘Marxist’ organisation, to join the International Marxist Tendency. Unsatisfied with a lack of attention to theory and the electoral reformism of PBP, Nathan explains why the IMT in contrast fits the bill as the serious, revolutionary outfit he…