Category: Imperialism & War

  • Middle East crisis: sleepwalking into the abyss

    Middle East crisis: sleepwalking into the abyss

    “When the leaders speak of peace, the common people know that war is coming.” (Bertolt Brecht) It was a fragment of conversation that one might overhear by pure coincidence, and then have thought nothing more of it. It occurred one morning when we were strolling along a picturesque beach in a Spanish resort in Santander. The…

  • Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

    Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

    Capitalism is a sick system which outlived its useful purpose a long time ago. In the epoch of its senile decline it breeds war, racism, poverty, and hunger. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, is characterised by the struggle between different gangs of capitalist robbers for the sharing out of the loot. Today, as the…