Tag: North of Ireland

  • Britain and the EU: inching ever closer to a trade war

    Britain and the EU: inching ever closer to a trade war

    The Tory government is on a collision course with the European Union over the question of trade and the North of Ireland. The capitalists on both sides are losing control of the situation. An explosive cocktail is being prepared.

  • 40 years since the Irish hunger strikes: the struggle for a Socialist United Ireland continues

    40 years since the Irish hunger strikes: the struggle for a Socialist United Ireland continues

    On this day 40 years ago, in the face of Tory intransigence, the hunger strike by Republican political prisoners in Ireland came to an end. Decades on, only revolutionary class struggle can provide a future free from oppression and sectarianism.  On 3 October 1981, the remaining Irish Republicans on hunger strike in the North of…

  • The implosion of the DUP and the dead end of Unionism

    The implosion of the DUP and the dead end of Unionism

    In the course of scarcely a month, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has begun imploding in spectacular fashion. Arlene Foster – the DUP leader and First Minister at Stormont who survived the RHI scandal, the collapse of Stormont in 2017, and the introduction of Northern Ireland Protocol earlier this year – has finally and unceremoniously…

  • Sectarian riots: a bad end to a bad peace

    Sectarian riots: a bad end to a bad peace

    Over the past week, the North of Ireland has seen its worst rioting in years, ostensibly over the Northern Ireland Protocol signed by the Westminster government with the EU. The threat of loyalist violence has been in the air for months as tensions have ratcheted up since the Protocol came into effect in January.

  • Ireland under Brexit: crushed between the millstones of imperialism

    Ireland under Brexit: crushed between the millstones of imperialism

    Brexit is only a month old. But already, Ireland has been caught in the crossfire as the UK and EU clash. The menace of Protestant sectarianism is rising once again. Only united class struggle can offer a way forward.

  • Stormont stabs workers in the back over lockdown

    Stormont stabs workers in the back over lockdown

    COVID restrictions are set to loosen up in the North of Ireland – part of a cynical attempt by politicians to use the pandemic for sectarian ends. Workers in both communities need a united socialist struggle to end this chaos and crisis.

  • ‘Common History, Common Struggle’ – from an error of emphasis to opportunism

    ‘Common History, Common Struggle’ – from an error of emphasis to opportunism

    Peter Hadden was still working on the finishing touches of his book, Common History, Common Struggle, when he sadly passed away in 2010. In it he analysed the events surrounding the beginning of the Troubles in Ireland. What began as a mass uprising of working-class, Catholic neighbourhoods eventually descended into a reactionary spiral of violence.

  • Tory-DUP deal exposes Establishment crisis

    Tory-DUP deal exposes Establishment crisis

    After a thin Queen’s Speech and long negotiations, Theresa May and DUP leader Arlene Foster finally appeared outside Downing Street earlier this week to shake hands on the deal that will keep May in power – for now.  According to the conditions of the deal, Northern Ireland will be given £1.5 billion for extra spending,…

  • What lies behind the collapse of Stormont?

    What lies behind the collapse of Stormont?

    The power-sharing deal in the North of Ireland, established with the Good Friday Agreement, has broken down. The old system of rule no longer works, an indication of the pressures that flow from the economic crisis. Gerry Ruddy looks at why and how this has come about.  The partition of Ireland leading to the establishment…

  • Bus Éireann dispute: explosive anger a harbinger of the class struggle to come

    Bus Éireann dispute: explosive anger a harbinger of the class struggle to come

    After Bus Éireann, a subsidiary of Ireland’s state-owned public transport operator (CIÉ) responsible for bus travel outside of Dublin, announced a swathe of attacks against workers and bus services, the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) declared an all-out strike effective from midnight on 23rd March. The bus drivers have reacted to these attacks with…