Category: Theory
2025 Perspectives for the Irish Revolution
The following document was passed unanimously at a recent meeting of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. Here, we offer our perspective and analysis of the main trends that are shaping Irish politics and the class struggle. The rise of imperialist tensions, the election of Donald Trump and the death throes of the…
Car industry closures reveal depth of European crisis
The European economy is facing its biggest crisis in a decade. Over the past few months, announcements of layoffs in France and Germany have come thick and fast. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are at risk as companies attempt to cut costs. At the same time, the European Central Bank (ECB) is cutting interest rates…
Dublin Communists Organise School on Revolutionary Philosophy
The 12th of October was marked by the Communist Day School on revolutionary philosophy organised by the Dublin group of the Revolutionary Communists of Ireland. A consistent revolutionary philosophy stands at the core of a Marxist arsenal, and comrades spent 7 hours sharpening up this most vital weapon! Comrades came from around the country including…
“The greatest event in human history”: Lenin and the Russian Revolution
One-hundred-and-seven years ago, on 7 November 1917, the Russian working class conquered power. This was the greatest event in human history. For the first time ever, workers and peasants overthrew the dictatorship of the rich, took control of society themselves, through their ‘soviets’, i.e. workers’ councils – and held it. They could not have done so,…
Explosion of anger against Netanyahu in Israel: “hostages’ blood is on his hands”
The recovery of the dead bodies of six hostages, held by Hamas in Gaza, by the IDF over the weekend has led to an explosion of anger, directed against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Hundreds of thousands came onto the streets on Sunday in mass demonstrations across Israel. The country was paralysed by a general…
Ireland after the Ceasefire
30 years ago, on 31 August 1994 the Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire. 25 years of armed struggle had failed to bring the unification of Ireland any closer. The ceasefire (which despite an interruption between 1996 and 1997 would eventually lead to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998) was an admission on…
Middle East crisis: sleepwalking into the abyss
“When the leaders speak of peace, the common people know that war is coming.” (Bertolt Brecht) It was a fragment of conversation that one might overhear by pure coincidence, and then have thought nothing more of it. It occurred one morning when we were strolling along a picturesque beach in a Spanish resort in Santander. The…
Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement
Capitalism is a sick system which outlived its useful purpose a long time ago. In the epoch of its senile decline it breeds war, racism, poverty, and hunger. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, is characterised by the struggle between different gangs of capitalist robbers for the sharing out of the loot. Today, as the…
Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party
In the British general election, the Revolutionary Communist Party, only 8 weeks after its founding, ran the most successful revolutionary communist election campaign in decades. Fiona, candidate of the RCP, received 1,791 votes for an openly revolutionary programme. This is an excellent result, but the reason communists participate in elections is to raise their programme…
Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International
The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the RCI and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be…